Saturday, July 25, 2015

Difference Between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes.


Cell Biology 

Types of cells ,Prokaryotes ,Archaea and Eukaryotic Cells

Prokaryotes have a semi-rigid cell wall and a flexible membrane that encloses their cytoplasm, the medium that supports the processes of life. They contain one or more loops of DNA within the cytoplasm and protein manufacturing regions called ribosomes. They may have rudimentary internal membranes, but the environment within the cell is essentially uniform. That is, the cytoplasm contains a certain level of salinity, pH and chemical distribution, and all the processes of the cell occur in that environment.


Eukaryotic cells are characterized by internal membranes and a strong cytoskeleton. A cytoskeleton is a framework of proteins, such as actin and keratin, which help hold a cell together and differentiate its organelles. Eukaryote means "true nut," referring to the fact that eukaryotic cells possess an internal Nucleus whereas prokaryotes (meaning "before nut") do not. In prokaryotes, the genetic material floats freely in the cytoplasm (cellular blood), while in eukaryotes, it is protected in a special nucleus. Eukaryotic DNA is organized into chromosomes whereas prokaryotic DNA is not. 
Eukaryotic cells have a much greater diversity in their structure than prokaryotic cells.

Difference Between Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes:

Prokaryotes Eukaryote
Cell Size  1 -10um 10 -100um
Number of chromosomes
One--but not true chromosome: Plasmids
More than one
Genetic Recombination
Partial, unidirectional transfers DNA
Meiosis and fusion of gametes
Cell type Unicellular Multi cellular
Lysosomes and peroxisomes Absent Present
Microtubules Absent Present
Mitochondria Absent Present
Endoplasmic Reticulum Absent Present
True Nucleus Absent Present
Nuclear Membrane  Absent Present
Vacuoles Present Present
Cell Wall Usually Chemically  Complex Only in Plant Cell and Fungi (Chemically Simpler
Plasma Membrane with Steroids Usually No Present
Permeability of Nuclear Membrane   Nuclear Membrane is absent. Selective
Ribosomes Small Large
Golgi Apparatus Absent Present
Chloroplasts Absent; chlorophyll scattered in the cytoplasm Present (in plants)
Flagella Sub microscopic in size, composed of only one fiber Microscopic in size; membrane bound; usually arranged as nine doublets surrounding two singlet
DNA No Junk and  No Histones Junk (introns) Present, Bind with Histones
May be absent
Bacteria and  Archaea
Animals and Plants

Cell Biology 

Types of cells ,Prokaryotes ,Archaea and Eukaryotic Cells